Coefficient hunting in gargantuan generating functions

How to win Arcs and influence polynomials

Dec 20, 2024

This post is the thrilling conclusion to How to conquery the galaxy (probably), in which we discussed how the dice pools used in the board game Arcs can be modeled with things called generating functions. Definitely go check that out if you haven’t already!

At the end of the last post, we found that even for very simple pools of Arcs dice, the resulting generating function can quickly explode into hundreds of monomials, which can be quite inefficient to calculate and analyze. To find out how inefficient, I did some sketchy back-of-the-envelope complexity calculations, and found if you’re naively multiplying NN polynomials of some maximum degree DD (where the degree of a multivariate polynomial is equal to the sum of its variable’s degrees), you end up with a runtime complexity of O(DN)O(D^N). A process whose runtime grows slower exponentially with the size of its input (in our case, the number of dice in the pool) is called an exponential time algorithm, and is terrible.

There are indeed faster ways of multiplying polynomials than naively going term-by-term, but from what I’ve read, these techniques involve fairly advanced math and tend to only become very efficient for extremely high values of DD. Our problem scales with the number of dice NN, so the increase in complexity didn’t seem worth it.

So, can we do better? Well, as you may have noticed, in the last post I included a sort of dice pool calculator at the top which (hopefully) runs fairly quickly. Let’s take another look at it:

Dice pool:
Generating function:
Symbols to compare:
Self Hit

As you add more dice to this, you’ll notice that the resulting generating function is displayed in an unexpanded form. That’s because the calculator isn’t expanding the polynomial at all! Instead, under the hood, all it’s doing is evaluating the unexpanded (and cheap to compute) generating function on a single value, and using the result to recover every coefficient of the fully expanded polynomial. How is this possible?

A reasonable guess might be polynomial interpolation, which allows you to recover the unique polynomial that passes through a given set of points. However, for a single-variable polynomial of degree dd, you need to compute d+1d+1 points to perform interpolation. Nevermind the fact that interpolation is much more complicated for multivariate polynomials, but the dice calculator is only computing the result of a single point, so this clearly isn’t what’s going on.

Instead, the calculator is exploiting two key facts about our generating functions:

  1. All the coefficients are positive (since we can’t have negative probabilities)
  2. All the coefficients are rational numbers (they’re of the form nm\dfrac{n}{m}, where nn is the number of occurrences of that monomial’s outcome, and mm is the total possible outcomes)

And finally, because we can easily calculate the number of outcomes for some set of dice rolls, if we multiply the unexpanded polynomial by mm, we can arrive at a polynomial whose coefficients are all guaranteed to be positive integers. Let’s call this multiplied polynomial a scaled generating function, since we’re scaling our probability-based function by the total number of outcomes.

And with that, we can finally do one weird trick (number theorists hate him) to recover all of the expanded polynomial’s coefficients.

One weird trick

I have to admit, I didn’t find this one on my own. After googling some mishmash of words like “extract integer polynomial coefficients”, I stumbled across this r/math post about a technique for determining a polynomial from just two inputs. The author admits they didn’t find this on their own, and cites another r/math post in a thread about math “magic tricks”, which itself cites a blog post on the trick, which itself cites a MathOverflow answer. That post, by MathOverflow user Aeryk in 2012, is as far as I can tell the earliest mention of this trick, so until I learn of an earlier discoverer I’ll call this technique Aeryk’s Sieve.

Here’s how it works. Say you’ve got a single-variable polynomial f(x)f(x) whose coefficients are all positive integers:

f(x)=2+4x+7x2+3x3f(x) = 2 + 4x + 7x^2 + 3x^3

Let’s see what happens if we calculate f(10)f(10):

f(10)=2+410+7100+31000=3742f(10) = 2 + 4 * 10 + 7 * 100 + 3 * 1000 = 3742

Notice anything interesting about the answer, 37423742? Those are our coefficients 22, 44, 77 and 33, but in reverse! I’ll color-code the coefficients to make them easier to pick out:

f(10)=2+410+7100+31000=3742f(10) = \colorbox{blue}{2} + \colorbox{red}{4} * 10 + \colorbox{green}{7} * 100 + \colorbox{plum}{3} * 1000 = \colorbox{plum}{3}\colorbox{green}{7}\colorbox{red}{4}\colorbox{blue}{2}

Let’s try a different, bigger example. This time we’ll calculate f(100)f(100):

f(x)=42+3x+93x2+28x3f(100)=42+310+93100+281000=28930342\begin{align} f(x) &= 42 + 3x + 93x^2 + 28x^3 \\ f(100) &= \colorbox{blue}{42} + \colorbox{red}{3} * 10 + \colorbox{green}{93} * 100 + \colorbox{plum}{28} * 1000 \\ &= \colorbox{plum}{28}\colorbox{green}{93}\colorbox{red}{03}\colorbox{blue}{42} \end{align}

Same thing, each of our coefficients end up encoded in the result! So what’s going on here?

A based methodology

Aeryk’s Sieve is exploiting the fact that if you squint hard enough, polynomials look a lot like numbers. What I mean by that is that the definition of a base 10 number whose digits are abcdabcd is:

abcd=d+c10+b102+a103abcd = d + c * 10 + b * 10^2 + a * 10^3

Which lines up with our first example quite nicely. By evaluating that one at x=10x=10, we end up with a 4 digit result whose digits are the coefficients, because that’s the definition of a 4 digit number. But of course, base 10 numbers only work for digits between 00 and 99 — what if we want digits higher than that like, say, in our second example?

Well, we simply pretend that the polynomial is a base 100100 number, and hence calculate at x=100x=100. You’ll note that this nicely accounts even for the single-digit 33, which gets automatically zero-padded. If we tried evaluating it at 10 instead, the result 3737237372’s digits don’t line up with our coefficients anymore, since the coefficients are large enough to “overlap” in the base 10 result.

Since Aeryk’s Sieve works by interpreting the polynomial as an arbitrarily based number, it doesn’t actually need to be evaluated on only powers of 10; doing so just makes for nicely formatted results that we can read in base 10. So finally we can state the general form of the sieve: For any polynomial ff with integer coefficients, and the largest of which is CC, if B>CB > C then f(B)f(B) can be interpreted as a base BB number whose digits are the coefficients of ff.

But, of course, there’s a snag here: we’re using the sieve because we don’t know our generating function’s coefficients, so how can we choose an appropriately sized BB? Well, note that the original reddit post claimed we needed two evaluations, not one.

We’ll use our first evaluation to set B=f(1)+1B=f(1)+1, exploting the fact that f(1)f(1) for any polynomial is equal to the sum of its coefficients, and f(1)+1f(1)+1 is thus greater than any single coefficient (the +1+1 is necessary to handle monomials). Then, we calculate f(f(1)+1)f(f(1)+1) which is interpretable as a base f(1)+1f(1)+1 number whose digits are the coefficients of ff. Alternately, if we’d like to keep the nice property of reading our digits off like a base-10 string, we can simply set BB equal to the lowest power of 10 larger than f(1)f(1).

Plucking Coefficients

Let’s remind ourselves why we’re doing all of this this: we want to know the probabilities of specific dice pool outcomes, which in Generating Function Land is equivalent to finding the coefficients of a particular power of our function’s variable(s). We’ll cover our multivariate Arcs functions in a bit, but to simplify things, let’s reconsider the humble standard 6 sided die, whose generating function is:

f(x)=16x1+16x2+16x3+16x4+16x5+16x6f(x) = \dfrac{1}{6}x^1 + \dfrac{1}{6}x^2 + \dfrac{1}{6}x^3 + \dfrac{1}{6}x^4 + \dfrac{1}{6}x^5 + \dfrac{1}{6}x^6

Since the seive requires a function with positive integer coefficients, let’s produce a scaled generating function by multiplying this by 6, the total number of roll outcomes:

f(x)=x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6f(x) = x^1 + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 + x^5 + x^6

Now, suppose we wanted to find the probability of getting 15 when rolling 4 dice. In other words, we want to know the coefficient of x15x^{15} in the expanded function f4(x)f^4(x).

Using the conveniently power-of-10-based version of Aeryk’s Sieve, we’d first calculate the smallest power of 10 greater than f4(1)f^4(1). Despite not knowing the expanded form of the polynomial, this is easy to calculate: simply do f(1)=6f(1) = 6 (can you see why this will be the case for any 6 sided die?) and raise that to the fourth power to get 12961296. The next highest power of 10 is 10,00010,000, so we calculate:

f4(10,000)=  1,000,400,100,020,003,500,560,080,010,401,250,140,014,601,400,125,010,400,800,056,003,500,200,010,000,400,010,000,000,000,000,000\begin{align} f^4(10,000) =\;&1,000,400,100,020,003,500,560,080,010, \\ &401,250,140,014,601,400,125,010,400, \\ &800,056,003,500,200,010,000,400,010, \\ &000,000,000,000,000 \end{align}

Which is pretty big as far as numbers go. But hopefully you can sort of pick out blocks of digits spaced 4 digits apart. To make it clearer, let me add some leading zeroes and whitespace:

f4(10,000)=  0001  0004  0010  0020  00350056  0080  0104  0125  01400146  0140  0125  0104  00800056  0035  0020  0010  00040001  0000  0000  0000  0000\begin{align} f^4(10,000) =\;&0001\;0004\;0010\;0020\;0035 \\ &0056\;0080\;0104\;0125\;0140 \\ &0146\;0140\;0125\;0104\;0080 \\ &0056\;0035\;0020\;0010\;0004 \\ &0001\;0000\;0000\;0000\;0000 \end{align}

So, if the sieve works, each of these 25 blocks should represent the coefficients of f4(x)f^4(x) in reversed order, i.e. if we number the blocks from 1 to 25, the iith block should be the coefficient of x25ix^{25 - i}. Does this pass the sniff test?

Well, I couldn’t find a decent ground truth for this kind of roll’s probability distribution, but manually (read: with WolframAlpha) expanding the polynomial gives us:

f4(x)=x24+4x23+10x22+20x21+35x20+56x19+80x18+104x17+125x16+140x15+146x14+140x13+125x12+104x11+80x10+56x9+35x8+20x7+10x6+4x5+x4\begin{align} f^4(x) = &x^{24}+4 x^{23}+10 x^{22}+20 x^{21}+35 x^{20}+ \\ &56 x^{19}+80 x^{18}+104 x^{17}+125 x^{16}+140 x^{15}+ \\ &146 x^{14}+140 x^{13}+125 x^{12}+104 x^{11}+80 x^{10}+ \\ &56 x^9+35 x^8+20 x^7+10 x^6+4 x^5+ \\ &x^4 \end{align}

And yeah, the numbers line up! Honestly, the first time I saw this working, it felt pretty magical despite having such mundane inner workings. But hey, many such cases.

So, is there an easy way to pluck a specific coefficient from our giganumber, like say the one for x15x^{15}? Since we know the base B=10,000B=10,000, what we’re looking for are the 4 digits starting at 10,0001510,000^{15}. This is pretty easy to get using a divide and modulo operation:

f4(10,000)10,00015mod10,000=140\dfrac{f^4(10,000)}{10,000^{15}} \bmod 10,000 = 140

By dividing our massive number by 10,0001510,000^{15}, we’re chopping off the leading 16 (15 powers of x + 1 constant) coefficients, each of which is composed of 4 digits, so a total of 164=6416 * 4 = 64 digits. Then, we use the modulo operator to lop off every digit left of the 10,000th place, leaving us with just 140, which just so happens to be the coefficient to x^15! This means of all the possible rolls of 4 dice, 140 of them result in a 15. To turn that into a probability, we just have to divide by the total number of possible rolls, which for a scaled generating function is always just f(1)f(1), and in this case is 64=12966^4 = 1296. So, our probability is 1401296=0.108025\dfrac{140}{1296} = 0.108025, or around 10.8%10.8\%. Success!

To restate this process generally, for any scaled dice generating function f(x)f(x), to calculate the probability of rolling nn, we:

  1. Find the smallest base B=10mB = 10^m such that B>f(1)B > f(1)
  2. Calculate 1f(1)[f(B)BnmodB]\dfrac{1}{f(1)}\left[\dfrac{f(B)}{B^n} \bmod B\right]

And while this is a great trick, it only works for polynomials with one variable. Arcs’ functions, however, have five. So what do we do?

We Make The Numbers Bigger

We make the numbers bigger. To illustrate this, let’s use a relatively simple function of two variables:

f(x,y)=2+8x+3y+4xy2+9x3y2f(x, y) = 2 + 8x + 3y + 4xy^2 + 9x^3y^2

Since we have two variables, let’s assume we need to choose two bases, B1B_1 and B2B_2 in a process similar to the 1 variable case. As in our first example, all the coefficients are under 1010, so B1=10B_1=10 should work fine. Let’s see what we get if we partially evaluate the function at x=10x=10:

f(10,y)=2+80+3y+40y2+9000y2=82+3y+9040y2\begin{align} f(10, y) &= 2 + 80 + 3y + 40y^2 + 9000y^2 \\ &= 82 + 3y + 9040y^2 \end{align}

Well hey, now this looks like a function over the single variable yy! Let’s use our imagination and pretend that’s the case, then repeat the proces: we have to choose a new base that’s larger than 90409040, so B2=10,000B_2=10,000 would do. Now let’s see what happens if we calculate the whole thing with our two bases f(B1,B2)f(B_1, B_2):

f(10,10,000)=904,000,030,082f(10, 10,000) = 904,000,030,082

Interesting… it does look like our digits are all accounted for in here. But how are they distributed within the number?

Well, let’s say we’re looking for the digit corresponding to the xy2xy^2 term, which should be 44. Let’s handle the yy first, and since the yy exponent is 22, we’ll need to divide and mod by B22=10,0002B_{2}^2 = 10,000^2:

904,000,030,08210,0002mod10,0002=9040\dfrac{904,000,030,082}{10,000^2} \bmod 10,000^2 = 9040

Promising. Not only is 4 in this, but as expected, it matches the coefficient for y2y^2 in our partially evaluated f(10,y)f(10, y) above. Now, moving on to xx, we’d divide and mod by B11=10B_{1}^1 = 10:

904010mod10=4\dfrac{9040}{10} \bmod 10 = 4

And bingo, we’ve successfully plucked the expected coefficient for a 2-variable term. As we did for the single-variable sieve, let’s recap what we did here in a general format:

Suppose we’ve got a 2-variable scaled generating function f(x,y)f(x, y):

  • Find a suitable base B1=10mB_1 = 10^m such that B1>f(1,1)B_1 > f(1, 1)
  • Find another base B2=10pB_2 = 10^p such that B2>f(B1,1)B_2 > f(B_1, 1). If you happen to know the degree of xx (call it deg(x)deg(x)), you can just use B1deg(x)+1B_{1}^{deg(x) + 1}
  • Calculate f(B1,B2)f(B_1, B_2), and then to calculate the coefficient for any term xiyjx^iy^j, calculate:
1f(1,1)[1B1i[1B2jf(B1,B2)modB2]modB1]\dfrac{1}{f(1, 1)} \left[ \dfrac{1}{B_{1}^i} \left[ \dfrac{1}{B_{2}^j} f(B_1, B_2) \bmod B_2 \right] \bmod B_1 \right]

While I can’t take credit for Aeryk’s Sieve, as far as I could tell this iterative approach to handling multivaraite polynomials isn’t mentioned anywhere else. And while I haven’t formulated a proof for this, in my testing this approach seems to extend to any number of variables.

And even though our Arcs functions are indeed of five variables, for the purposes of the calculator I only ever need to pluck terms for two variables at a time: one for each of the horizontal and vertical axes of the chart it generates. A third variable could let me create some sorta 3D distribution visualizer, but honestly anything more than two seemed like overkill to me.

By passing 11 to the other three variables, we effectively collapse together all terms that differ by those variables, allowing us to group the probabilities of just the two we’re interested.

And that’s it! You’re now able to fully calculate the vast array of tactical possibilities offered by any dice roll in Arcs.

Has this made you a better Arcs player?
